Pam Gowans from Scotland wrote on Sunday 02/29/2004 1:52:41am I was devastated to hear about Les,MUD were a big part of my life in the 70's and you would have been hard pushed to find a better band, what they did, they did exceptionally well. LES will be up there jamming away with his hero ELVIS now. R.I.P LES, you will never be forgotten.
Callie from Nederland wrote on Wednesday 02/25/2004 5:47:36pm how sad, Les is gone. I saw him perform in 2001 with Mud, and as a child I already was a Mud-fan. The news of his death really hit me. Love to the family and the other mud-members, crew and fans.
Ingrid from Belgie wrote on Wednesday 02/25/2004 3:13:09pm Men dochter belde me op van haar werk ^met het trieste nieuws dat Les Gray was gestorven! Detijd stond wel even stil en het zal nooit meer zijn wat het geweest is. Ik was 13 toen ik fan werd van MUD en vooral van Les Gray. Op school heb ik toen heel wat moeten doorstaan omdat ik zo'n "die-hard" fan was. Hoeveel maal ik hen in levende lijve heb gezien weet ik niet meer, maar 't was heel veel, soms wel 2 concerten per dag. 't Is jammer maar gelukkig hebben we de muziek van Mud nog en bij deze sterkte toegewenst aan alle fans en vooral de familie van Les.
Paul Kinell from London wrote on Tuesday 02/24/2004 8:24:35pm Dear gerard and paula, It will be lonely this Christmas. God bless you Les.
Ruth Newnham from Sussex, United Kingdom wrote on Tuesday 02/24/2004 5:05:01pm Dear gerard and paula, I would just like to say how sorry i am to hear of les's death, But i think god was shining on him, as it would have been much more painful and slow with the cancer.
Angie Roche from London, England wrote on Tuesday 02/24/2004 3:43:31pm Just heard the terrible news about Les. Thank you for the music you were a lovely guy. I'll never forget when I met you and you were watching my friends and I doing the Y.M.C.A dance. I looked over and you were trying to copy us and getting in a right tangle in the process-Priceless!! The 70's was a great time to be a teenager with the fab music and Mud were a big part of my life. God Bless You Les. Another 70's Great gone to play music to the angels. love Angie Roche xx
Satu Pusa from Helsinki wrote on Tuesday 02/24/2004 2:09:44pm I got the news yesterday. Words fail me. Thank-you Les for bringing so much joy and happiness to my life. I was soooo close to finally meeting you in Glasgow and now... Life just isn't fair. I miss you dearly and I am in tears again, writing this. I'm hoping that the angels can kiss your throat better. My deepest condolences to Carol and all of Les's family and friends.
Ger Warink from Nederland wrote on Tuesday 02/24/2004 12:03:19am Hail Gewoon Les, thank you for inspiring me. Mud rocked the world in the boring seventies, and showed us how to rock&roll. Les, rest in peace. Ger Warink.
Jennet from Nederland, Arnhem wrote on Tuesday 02/24/2004 10:54:00am I used to be a big fan of MUD in the 70's, and although Rob was my favourite, it's so strange to hear about Les' death. Sort of like the end of an era. Les always seemed the most cheeky guy. I have been a member of their fanclub for years and I was 13 when I went to their concert in Bolsward, the Netherlands. Nowadays it's not so unsual, but in those days it was a big thing at that age. I still know all their songs by heart and can´t resist turning up the volume when I hear a song being played on the radio.
Peter Hirsch from Nederland, Kerkrade, Limburg wrote on Tuesday 02/24/2004 9:57:26am Fantastic website. I have been a Mud-fan since I was 10 years old. Never knew this site existed untill I heard Les Gray died and I started searching the Web.
Jan from Nederland wrote on Tuesday 02/24/2004 2:20:24am Thank you for the music Les, may god bless you R.I.P.
Vos Roelof from Nederland wrote on Tuesday 02/24/2004 0:55:56am Hier bij laat ik weten dat ik vandaag enorm geschroken ben dat Les Gray is overleden voor alle mud fans is dit een eennorm verlies en te vergeten zijn familie en vrienden ik zal nog vaak MUD muziek draaien groetjes Roelof
Ilona Kamminga from Nederland, Zijldijk (Groningen) wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 11:11:16pm Ik hoorde vanavond van mijn dochter dat Les Gray is overleden. Moest even slikken, ben heel lang fan geweest van Mud, maar luister nog steeds met veel plezier naar hun muziek. Was wel verliefd op Rob Davies maar vond Les een geweldige zanger. Ik weet wat het is om iemand door kanker te verliezen daarom wens ik zijn vrouw en ieder die hem nastond heel veel sterkte.Hij zal gemist worden!
Donna Jackson from England wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 10:30:26pm Just heard the sad news about Les Gray's death - he'll never be forgotten 23rd February 2004
Barney from South East London wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 10:13:08pm I was so saddend to hear the news on the radio this morning.Mud were, and still are one of my all time favourite bands.I played the first album so much I vertualy wore the words off it,In the 80's I worked for a while with Carol, Les's wife and she was good enough to give me another copy which i still play todate. I was lucky enough to have seen the band a few times and they were some of the best gigs I ever saw.My deepest sympathy goes out to Carol and the rest of the band past and present.R.I.P Les. Mud Rock on.
Dave from Staffordshire wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 9:43:27pm so sad to hear about the loss of les gray he will be sadly missed by all his fans and band members past and present made some great songs and albums lets all hope there will be a best of mud compilation cd soon god bless les gray
Jack from Nederland wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 9:10:31pm Het type zonnebril van Les Gray draag ik vandaag de dag nog, geeft nog een klein beetje aan welke sensatie hij begin jaren 70 teweeg bracht. Tijdens de gloriejaren van Mud was ik 10 jaar oud, nu bijna 40 en draai het nog, denk er zo graag aan terug! Een schok te moeten horen dat MUD "nooit meer in leven zal zijn", net zoals zoveel unieks heeft ook zijn leven te kort mogen duren. Mijn medeleven naar zijn familie, vrienden en fans!
Hans from Brugge wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 8:51:44pm Les, rust in vrede. JIj betekende veel voor me in je top dagen. Ik was toen een snotaap van amper 10 jaar, en genoot van elk nummer die op de radio kwam. Ik vergeet je nooit. Bedankt voor alles!
Jennie Nolles-van den Elshout from Nederland, Zuid-Holland wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 7:44:48pm i"m sad. Realy very sad. Les was always my favorit. As a teenager I dreamed of him every night. Once he was in Rotterdam with the Les gray's mud, and I went there with a friend. When they finished singing, Les came to the bar and drank a beer with us. It was a wish come thrue. Now he's gone. And I'm sad. Best wishes to every one who will mis him.
Kathy Jay from Kidderminster, England wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 6:11:09pm Sorry to hear about the death of Les Gray, he was a true gentleman! We met him when we played a show with Mud at The Belgrade Theatre in Coventry about 9 years ago! Our thoughts are with his friends and family. His music will live on !! Love Ballroom Glitz 70's Band XXX
Liliane from Belgium!!!!! wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 5:56:54pm so sad to hear about les today.what a shock when i got home from work.i've always been a fan and never forgot about them.dave was and still is my fave fella but les i'll never forget you!!!
Nick White from England wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 5:11:12pm A very sad day,,,,,My condolances to his wife and family, My childhood was filled with the sound of MUD. What else can I say????
John from Nederland wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 4:41:09pm koude rillinge ik hoorde het op de radio ik kon het eerst ni gelove maar ik zal altijd naar de muziek blijven luistere want er was geen betere groep dan mud en daar zulle er veel mee eens zijn zo les gray ik zal altijd aan je denke en ik blijf mud fan mijn innige deelneming
Mimi Verschueren from Belgium wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 3:57:33pm Hi, Just found out about LES :( I never tried to look for a website so sad I didn't try earlier! Have some really nice memories of MUD in Belgium back in the 70-ties :) especially LES :)really loved you guys :) LES you'll allways be in our hearts ! mimi xxo
Tina from Stoke-on-Trent, England wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 2:55:04pm To Carol family Ray Rob Dave. I heard of Les,s death this morning I cant begin to tell how sorry and saddend I am. He was a true star and ill miss him very much. I have been a fan since 1974, reguards Tina xx
Hans from Nederland wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 1:34:26pm Mick Tucker tribute page / The Sweet R.I.P. Les, so sorry to read about his passing away. A lot of good memories when I think of Mud , when I think of les, Gosh did I wear some strange clothes because of the band. did I wear sunglasses more then needed! Yeah Tiger CAT CREPT IN, DYNAMITE, Moonshine sally, Hair of the dog, Nite on the tiles, etc etc. yeah I will play my records today again! bye bye Les! thanks for the meories
Eric from Nederland wrote on Monday 02/23/2004 11:25:12am Saturday night les gray died i was in england that time to visiting a gig of the sweet when i heard the news
Satu from Helsinki, Finland wrote on Thursday 01/15/2004 12:53:44am Hi all! I was surfing the Internet a couple of days ago, trying to find Mud and Les Gray related pages and links and I was so thrilled to find quite a few! I've been a fan since 1973 and Les was always my favourite. Recently I've been reading about his illness but understand that he is now on the mend and will be appearing at the Blast from the Past charity show in Glasgow on 28th February - for which I have already bought an online ticket at Keep on rocking with Les Gray and Mud!
Marion Molleman from Nederland wrote on Friday 01/09/2004 3:14:15pm Leuke site, jeugdsentiment. Ik hoop dat ze gauw weer in Nederland komen, ik weet ook niet wanneer dat zou zijn. Groetjes Marion
from SCOTLAND wrote on Thursday 01/08/2004 6:39:18pm Hi, just to let you know that Les has agreed to appear as our compere at the KidsCharities UK Blast from the Past concert in Glasgow on Feb 28th, 2004. He is on the mend and we are delighted that he feels strong enough to give us this fantastic support. Tickets at £25 can be bought from the SECC at 0870 040 4000, or VIP tickets with champagne dinner and entry into our after-show party can be ordered from KidsCharities on 0141 571 1840. All profits go to charity. Other bands include Middle of the Road, Marmalade, Alvin Stardust, Les McKeown and B C Sweet. Hope to see some of you there!! Caroline
Scott McArthur from Cheshire, UK wrote on Saturday 01/03/2004 6:37:50pm Apollomemories Hi there I have recently started a website about the legendary music venue the Glasgow Apollo in Scotland. We have had an incredible response to the site and have had 51K hits, been interviewed on the radio and been featured in the press on several occasions; in just 4 months! We are now trying to get some of the artists who performed at the Apollo in Glasgow to contribute; we have already managed to attract contributions from several acts. MUD were one of the top acts to play at the Apollo and their fans still remember the gigs very fondly indeed. If possible I'd really appreciate any Apollomemories you might like to share. If the band is out there please get in touch with us! All the best for 2004 Scott
john from België wrote on Friday 01/02/2004 2:46:44pm mud fan ik ben ook een evige fan van mud kan er mij iemand aan clips helpen van mud en de films laat iets weten dank u
Paul from Nederland, Waalwijk wrote on Friday 01/02/2004 1:11:52am Not At Home Page Ik ben nu 45 jaar....en nog steeds MUD fan! MUD RULES!!!
Till's from UK wrote on Monday 12/29/2003 11:02:41pm I'd like to help you with the lyric's, but can't seem to be able to e-mail you. Great site though, I used some stuff for my project on Glam I did for school. Lot's of MUD stuff in there though
brigitte from Belgie, West Vlaanderen wrote on Friday 12/12/2003 4:26:24pm hallo, ik heb vernomen dat les gray zal optreden in het sportpaleis in antwerpen op 4/12/04 groetjes van een mudfan
Marlene from Nederland, Noordwijk wrote on Wednesday 12/03/2003 3:36:21pm Hoi Paula, Hoe is het nu met Les? Heb je nog iets over hem gehoord. By the way,een hele leuke site. KEEP ON ROCKIN' WITH MUD !!! Groetjes, Marlene.
Ank from Nederland wrote on Monday 11/24/2003 9:23:49pm Hoi, ik mijn jeugdjaren ( jaartje of 30 geleden) was ik een erg grote fan, en ik ben ook nog een tijd lid geweest van de fanclub. Onvergeteijk waren de optredens in Lage-Zwaluwe en Poeldijk. Maar nu komt het, ik ben al jaren op zoek naar een mp3 van laugh, live and love. Tot nog toe is het nog steeds niet gelukt. Kan iemand mij daar aan helpen. Ik zou er vreselijk blij mee zijn. Hopende op een reactie, groetjes Ank van Elswijk. PS prachtige site hebben jullie
Rita from Germany wrote on Sunday 11/23/2003 3:59:12pm Hallo! Stimmt es das es mehrere Filme "Never Too Young To Rock" gibt, und das in einem dieser Filme auch "Hello" mit dabei ist? Vielleicht kann mir jemand diese Frage beantworten! Ich würde mich sehr freuen! Grüße an alle "GlamRock Fan`s"!
Roden Lodge from Halifax, West Yorkshire, England wrote on Monday 11/17/2003 0:51:50am MUD will always be the best band since 1972 to the last time I seen them live in Bradford thy have been the best. hope Les makes a recovery so we can see them yet again singing grate songs like Tiger Feet Dynamite and Lonley this chrismas brillient
marjolein from Nederland wrote on Saturday 11/15/2003 12:49:25am geweldig jeugd sentiment (geboortejaar 1962)ik was detijds een enorme grote MUD fan ik heb al mijn zakgeld wel besteed aan singeltjes en popbladen waar ze in stonden ik heb nu nog de schriften van hun waar ik alles in verzamelde dat is echt leuk ook voor mijn kinderen nu (16 en 18 jaar) ik heb nu van kazaa hun mp3 nummers weer gedownload kan ik weer lekker in de auto hard hun muziek draaien al ben ik nu 41 jaar ze blijven voor mij heel speciaal ik was toen helemaal weg van Rob Davis als ik nu op de site een foto van hem zie ben ik nu toch wel heel benieuwd hoe hij er nu uitziet heeft iemand een foto van hem zoals hij nu is.
Rita from Germany wrote on Saturday 11/15/2003 12:41:31am Fand durch Zufall diese Seite! SUPER! Ich bin zwar ein totaler "Hello" Fan, habe aber den Film "Side by Side", und finde "Mud" auch "SUPER KLASSE"!
DE KLERCK INGRIT from België, Oost-vlaanderen wrote on Tuesday 11/11/2003 9:02:41pm hallo, als vurige Mud fan wil ik eerst en vooral zeggen leuke site! ik zoek alles maar ook alles over MUD wie kan mij helpen?alvast bedankt en ik kan er maar aan toe voegen WE WILL MUD!!!!!!!!
callie from Nederland wrote on Wednesday 10/29/2003 5:59:19pm heb MUD live gezien, enkele jaren geleden. Erg leuk. Toch vond ik Les echt een korsakow-patient....hij wasnogal bezopen op het podium, maar toch heel erg tof om ze eens mee te maken, de toppop helden! Mooie site!
De Klerck Ingrit from België, Oost-vlaanderen wrote on Wednesday 08/13/2003 12:56:06am Ik zoek alles over MUD foto s videos maar echt alles is welkom zelfs tegen vergoeding
Mark from Nederland, Rotterdam wrote on Monday 08/11/2003 10:07:01pm Homepage of Sonia and Mark Leuk hoor! Ik was ook Mud fan toen ik 8/12 jaar was. Helaas alle Lp's kwijt maar ik heb weer een paar mp3's kunnen dowloaden op kazaa. Succes met jullie page!
meirte marc from Lebbeke, België wrote on Monday 08/04/2003 11:32:48pm ik ben sinds 1974 mudfan! heb ze nog maar 5 maal zien optreden!wel in hun laatste bezetting!zal altijd van ze houden!(mijn geboortejaar 1962) ben op zoek naar videomateriaal mud!
Clare from Newcastle-upon-tyne, UK wrote on Friday 07/18/2003 5:34:56pm Hiya. Like the site :) Also i really enjoy listening to mud, I would like to hear from any mud fans. Clare
St.Arend from Europe wrote on Friday 07/11/2003 9:42:14pm Hey, very interesting - the discographie of MUD! Thanks!
Willie Sanne from Nederland, Sint Willebrord -Noord Brabant wrote on Sunday 07/06/2003 10:51:30am ik ben blij om dat er toch nog iets van interesse bestaat voor mud zodat ik mijn favoriete band nog eens terug kan zien, en informatie ophalen kan.
tina from UK wrote on Wednesday 07/02/2003 4:01:32pm I met Ray recently after a Hollies concert, he,s doing well, and looks good infact he,s still drop dead gorgous.He does Tiger Feet in the second half, BRILLIANT.Thanks Tina
Darren from UK wrote on Sunday 06/29/2003 7:19:30pm Hi, Do find time to check out my new glam rock website with some Mud related items and lots more besides. Cheers, Darren.
Gerrit from Nederland, Flevoland wrote on Monday 06/09/2003 7:33:51pm Eindelijk een MUD page gevonden. Al jaren op zoek geweest. Ik blijf hun muziek een warm hart toedragen! Zou graag eens wel wat meer weten over hun geschiedenis met meer detail en ook over hun allereerste single "flower Power" uit 1968. Jullie site ziet er goed uit. Niet geweten dat er nog zoveel op vinyl en CD van hun is uitgebracht. Was het maar weer jaren seventies, het was mooi en duurde te kort.
gitoni from Nederland wrote on Saturday 05/24/2003 11:51:07pm gitonis boekenhoekje hallo leuke site hebben jullie mijn complimenten ik heb nog 2 mud idool magazines te koop, beiden in prima staat voor 2,5 euro per stuk
Michael from UK wrote on Tuesday 05/20/2003 4:37:37pm Been a Mud fan for years, how great would it be to have a Mud reunion now Les is on the mend and Rob's emergance as a classic song writer. MUD RULE Mick
ann lillywhite from England wrote on Monday 05/19/2003 2:30:49pm Thanks for your hard work in keeping this valuable 'MUD' site alive.
tony from Wales wrote on Monday 05/19/2003 1:13:11pm keep up the good work.....Mud ROCK!!
Kitty from Belgium wrote on Saturday 05/10/2003 1:09:58pm Hallo, So nice to hear Les is better again. Wishing him lots of new gigs. I take the oppertunity to welcome "our" Jeff Brown in MUD. A great lost for us, ASSweet fans, but certainly MUD'S gain. Seeing you soon, MUD and Jeff. Kx
andrew hine from Stoke-on-Trent, England wrote on Friday 05/09/2003 10:49:10pm to all mud fans, keep the faith they were the best live band in the 1970s and Les still rocks today!
herman from Nederland wrote on Monday 04/28/2003 10:01:32pm Kunnen jullie me mailen wanneer MUD in nederland is en waar? Ik ben al fan sinds m'n 13de. En nooit de kans gehad ze te zien. Nu speel ik zelf muziek en wil ze graag zien spelen. Dank jullie wel. Herman
Trieny from Nederland, Zuidlaren wrote on Monday 04/21/2003 1:21:28pm Trieny´s website 12, 13 jaar was ik toen MUD zo populair was, ik was lid van de fanclub en had m´n kamer behangen met posters van MUD. M´n platen heb ik nog maar helaas de plakboeken en posters zijn in een vlaag van opruimwoede verloren gegaan. Gelukkig vind ik op deze site veel van de voor mij zo bekende foto´s terug.
LUC LEUYCKX from South America, Recife / Brasil wrote on Monday 04/14/2003 9:23:57am MUD DE BESTE POPGROEP VAN DE JAREN 70
wil potters from Nederland wrote on Monday 03/24/2003 1:07:01am Jammer dat Mud i.v.m. het herstel van Les niet aanwezig was in Kaatsheuvel. Zodra Mud weer optreedt (waar dan ook) ben ik zeker van de partij (en Fred ook) Mijn complimenten voor jullie site !! groetjes, Wil
graydon p blower from England wrote on Tuesday 03/18/2003 8:35:10pm hope les is on the mend, been a fan for 30years! keep rocking keep rolling my son!
Janusz from Poland/Krakow wrote on Tuesday 03/18/2003 4:40:35pm Great site about great group.It`s excellent that we have fans who remember about this fantastic group.
Pauli de la Rie from Nederland, Alphen aan den Rijn (Zuid Holland) wrote on Friday 03/14/2003 11:39:27am Ik als grote MUD-fan was helemaal rondom gelukkig met het geplande optreden (in de oude formatie zo werd mij verteld) in Kaatsheuvel op 22 maart as. Nu hoorde ik vanmorgen (14 maart 2003)op de radio dat Les ziek is..... en ze dus niet komen.....